Book Chapters:
- T. Li and K. Takahata, “Electro-Discharge and Ultrasonic Micromachining,” in Comprehensive Microsystems – 2nd Edition, Y.B. Gianchandani, Ed., Elsevier, 2025 (in press).
- T. Li, K. Takahata, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Batch Mode Micro Electro-Discharge Machining,” in Micro Electro-Fabrication, T. Saleh, M.S.M. Ali, and K. Takahata, Eds., Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, pp. 89-114.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:
- P.P. Dutta, A.C. Benken, T. Li, J.R. Ordonez-Varela, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Passive wireless pressure gradient measurement system for fluid flow analysis,” Sensors, 23(5), 2525, Feb. 2023.
- C.-C. Chien, J. Jiang, B. Gong, T. Li, and A. Gaitas, “AFM microfluidic cantilevers as weight sensors for live single cell mass measurements,” Measurement Science and Technology, 33(9), 095009, June 2022.
- Y. Sui, A. Benken, Y. Ma, A. Trickey-Glassman, T. Li, and Y. B. Gianchandani, “An autonomous environmental logging microsystem (ELM) for harsh environments,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(18), pp. 20796-20806, Sep. 2021.
- M. Choi, Y. Sui, R. Meredith, Y. Ma, G. Kim, D. Chapman, D. Blaauw, Y.B. Gianchandani, and T. Li, “Autonomous microsystems for downhole applications: Design challenges, current state and initial test results,” Sensors, 17(10), 2190, 2017.
- Y. Ma, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A low-temperature batch mode packaging process for submillimeter microsystems in harsh environment applications,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 6(3), pp. 366-372, Mar. 2016.
- Y. Ma, Y. Sui, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A sub-millimeter package for microsystems in high pressure and salinity downhole environments,” IEEE/ASME J. Microelectromech. Syst., 24(4), pp. 861-869, Aug. 2015.
- A. Viswanath, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Batch mode micro ultrasonic machining (µUSM) using workpiece vibration,” IEEE/ASME J. Microelectromech. Syst. Letters, 24(1), pp. 1-3, Feb. 2015.
- H. Jeong, T. Li, Y.B. Gianchandani, and J. Park, “High precision cell slicing by harmonically actuated ultra-sharp SixNy blades,” IOP J. Micromechanics and Microengineering (JMM), 25, 025007, Jan. 2015.
- A. Gaitas, R. Malhotra, T. Li, T. Herron, and J. Jalife, “A device for rapid and quantitative measurement of cardiac myocyte contractility,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 034302, 2015.
- A. Viswanath, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “High resolution micro ultrasonic machining (HR-μUSM) for trimming 3-D microstructures,” IOP J. Micromechanics and Microengineering (JMM), 24, 065017, Jun. 2014.
- T. Li, K. Visvanathan, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A batch mode micromachining process for spherical structures,” IOP J. Micromechanics and Microengineering (JMM), 24, 025002, Feb. 2014.
- T. Li, Q. Bai, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “High precision batch mode micro electro discharge machining of metal alloys using DRIE silicon as a cutting tool,” IOP J. Micromechanics and Microengineering (JMM), 23, 095026, Aug. 2013.
- E. Hendarto, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Investigation of wine glass mode resonance in 200-μm-diameter cenosphere-derived borosilicate hemispherical shells,” IOP J. Micromechanics and Microengineering (JMM), 23, 055013, Apr. 2013.
- T. Li, A.T. Evans, S. Chiravuri, R.Y. Gianchandani and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Compact, power-efficient architectures using microvalves and microsensors, for intrathecal, insulin, and other drug delivery systems,” Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 64(14), pp. 1639-1649, Nov. 2012.
- K. Visvanathan, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A biopsy tool with integrated piezoceramic elements for needle tract cauterization and cauterization monitoring,” Biomedical Microdevices, 14(1), pp. 55-65, Feb. 2012.
- A. Gaitas, T. Li, and W. Zhu, “A probe with ultrathin film deflection sensor for scanning probe microscopy and material characterization,” Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 168(2), pp. 229-232, Aug. 2011.
- T. Li, A. Barnett, K. L. Rogers, and Y. B. Gianchandani, “A blood sampling microsystem for pharmacokinetic applications: Design, fabrication, and initial results,” Lab on a Chip, 9(24), pp. 3495-3503, Dec. 2009.
- T. Li, R.Y. Gianchandani, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Micromachined bulk PZT tissue contrast sensor for fine needle aspiration biopsy,” Lab on a Chip, 7(2), pp. 179-185, Feb. 2007.
- T. Li and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A micromachining process for die-scale pattern transfer in ceramics and its application to bulk piezoelectric actuators,” IEEE/ASME J. Microelectromech. Syst., 15(3), pp. 605-12, Jun. 2006.
- Z. You and T. Li, “Application of CMOS image sensor in space technology,” Optical Technology, 28(1), pp. 31-5, Jan. 2002.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:
- Jiang, V. Chidambaran, and T. Li, “Nonplanar wireless differential microsensor for integration on intravenous catheters for therapeutic drug monitoring and other applications,” The 38th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2025), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jan. 2025, pp. 516-519.
- Choudhary and T. Li, “A high efficiency miniature multi-tip corona charger for nanoparticle detectors,” The 38th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2025), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jan. 2025, pp. 1039-1042.
- T. Wang, L. Dao, Z. Guo, and T. Li, “A 3D microfluidic device with vertical channels toward in vitro reconstruction of blood-brain barrier,” The 45th Annual Int. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023, pp. 1-4. (Best student paper finalist)
- J. Jiang, C. Napier, C. Choudhary, H.C. Sagi, C.-Y. Lin, M.T. Archdeacon, and T. Li, “An implantable differential sensor with passive wireless interrogation for in-situ early detection of periprosthetic joint infection,” The 36th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2023), Munich, Germany, Jan. 2023, pp. 235-238.
- C. Choudhary, G. Batra, S.G. Buchberger, and T. Li, “Non-invasive calorimetric sensor for waterflow event detection in premise plumbing systems,” IEEE Sensors 2022 Conference, Dallas, TX, Oct. 2022, pp. 1-4.
- C. Choudhary, G. Batra, T. Wang, T. Omaghomi, S.G. Buchberger, and T. Li, “Battery-powered wireless sensor network for non-invasive monitoring of water usage events in premise plumbing systems,” IEEE Sensors 2022 Conference, Dallas, TX, Oct. 2022, pp. 1-4.
- J. Jiang, K. Sureshkumar, C. Choudhary, T. Kerkes, H.C. Sagi, C.-Y. Lin, M.T. Archdeacon, and T. Li, “A passive wireless differential sensor for in-situ early detection of periprosthetic joint infection,” Solid State Sensors, Actuators, Microsyst. Workshop (Hilton Head 2022), Hilton Head Island, SC, Jun. 2022, pp. 5-8.
- T. Omaghomi, T. Li, and S. Buchberger, “Estimating the probability of use for efficient fixtures in commercial buildings,” The 47th CIB W062 Int. Symposium Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, Oct. 2021.
- T. Wang, W.-K. Huang, Z. Guo, and T. Li, “Vertically integrated microfluidic structures on microelectrode array for in vitro neural circuitry modeling,” The 25th Int. Conf. Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2021), Palm Spring, CA, Oct. 2021, pp. 1391-2. (Best poster award nominee)
- T. Wang, H. Zhu, Z. Guo, and T. Li, “A robust microfabrication process for microfluidic devices with high resolution and aspect ratio features for neural circuitry modeling,” The 34th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2021), Jan. 2021, pp. 529-532.
- P.P. Dutta, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A sensing microsystem for high resolution pressure gradient measurement in core-flood experiments,” IEEE Sensors 2019 Conference, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2019, pp. 1-4.
- N. Vellaluru, Y.B. Gianchandani, and T. Li, “Facile batch mode process for high capacity rechargeable Ni-Zn microbatteries,” The 19th Int. Conf. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2017), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jun. 2017, pp. 1867-70.
- A. Viswanath, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “High resolution micro ultrasonic machining (HR-μUSM) for post-fabrication trimming of fused silica 3-D microstructures,” The 27th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2014), San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2014, pp. 494-7.
- H. Jeong, T. Li, Y.B. Gianchandani, and J. Park, “Ultrasound-assisted micro-knife for cellular scale surgery,” The 27th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2014), San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2014, pp. 885-8.
- Y. Sui and T. Li, “A wireless-enabled sensor system for distributed radiation detection on Android cellphones,” IEEE Sensors 2013 Conference, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2013, pp. 1602-1605.
- T. Li, K. Ding, W.E. Seyfried, Jr., and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A micromachined chemical sensor for sea floor environments: initial results,” Solid State Sensors, Actuators, Microsyst. Workshop (Hilton Head 2012), Hilton Head Island, SC, Jun. 2012, pp. 173-176.
- T. Li, Q. Bai, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Using DRIE silicon as a cutting tool for high precision micromachining of metal alloys,” Solid State Sensors, Actuators, Microsyst. Workshop (Hilton Head 2012), Hilton Head Island, SC, Jun. 2012, pp. 477-480.
- T. Li and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Batch mode micromanufacturing based on micro electro-discharge machining and micro ultrasonic machining for micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS),” SME MicroManufacturing Conference & Exhibits, Chicago, IL, Apr. 2011.
- T. Li and Y.B. Gianchandani, “An active tissue-contrast sensing microsystem for biopsy needles: initial results,” The 24th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2011), Cancun, Mexico, Jan. 2011, pp. 21-24.
- K. Visvanathan, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “3D-SOULE: A fabrication process for large scale integration and micromachining of spherical structures,” The 24th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2011), Cancun, Mexico, Jan. 2011, pp. 45-48.
- K. Visvanathan, T. Li, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “In situ monitoring of cauterization with a biopsy needle using impedance characteristics of embedded piezothermal elements,” The 14th Int. Conf. Miniaturized Syst. Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2010), Groningen, Netherlands, Oct. 2010, pp. 1478-80.
- T. Li and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A high-speed batch-mode ultrasonic machining technology for multi-level quartz crystal microstructures,” The 23rd IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2010), Hong Kong, Jan. 2010, pp. 348-351.
- T. Li, A. Barnett, D. Xiao, M. Zhong, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “An in-vivo blood microsampling device for pharmacokinetic applications,” The 14th Int. Conf. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2007), Lyon, France, Jun. 2007, pp. 225-8.
- T. Li and Y.B. Gianchandani, “An empirical model for a piezoelectric tissue contrast sensor embedded in a biopsy tool,” The 10th Int. Conf. Miniaturized Syst. Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2006), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2006, pp. 837-9.
- T. Li, R.Y. Gianchandani, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A bulk PZT microsensor for in-situ tissue contrast detection during fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid nodules,” The 19th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2006), Istanbul, Turkey, Jan. 2006, pp. 12-5.
- T. Li and Y.B. Gianchandani, “A die-scale micromachining process for bulk PZT and its application to in-plane actuators,” The 18th IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst. (MEMS 2005), Miami Beach, FL, Jan. 2005, pp. 387-90.
- T. Li and Y.B. Gianchandani, “LEEDUS: A micromachining process for die-scale pattern transfer in ceramics with high resolution and throughput,” Solid State Sensor, Actuator Microsyst. Workshop (Hilton Head 2004), Hilton Head Island, SC, Jun. 2004, pp.324-7.
Short Conference Abstracts and Presentations:
- J. Wang, T. Li, C. Choudhary, X. Niu, M. Yermakov, and S. Yermakov, “Optical-based Measurement of Workplace Protection Factor for Aerosols Filtering Respirators,” The European Aerosol Conference 2024, Tampere, Finland, Aug. 2024.
- T. Li, J. Jiang, K. Sureshkumar, C. Choudhary, T. Kerkes, H.C. Sagi, C.-Y. Lin, and M.T. Archdeacon, “An implantable passive wireless differential sensor for in-situ early detection of periprosthetic joint infection,” IEEE Sensors Conference – Open Poster, Oct. 2023
- S.G. Buchberger, T. Omaghomi, and T. Li, “Recent advances in the WDC and premise plumbing modeling research,” World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI) 2023, Henderson, NV, May 2023.
- J. Jiang, T. Li, K. Sureshkumar, C. Choudhary, T. Kerkes, H.C. Sagi, C.-Y. Lin, and M.T. Archdeacon, “An Implantable Differential Sensor with Passive Wireless Interrogation for In-Situ Early Detection of Periprosthetic Joint Infection,” IRiS Ignite Annual Expo & Festival of Sensing, University of Cincinnati, OH, May 2022.
- T. Li, Y. Ma, Y. Sui, and Y.B. Gianchandani, “Sub-Millimeter Packages for Microsystems in Harsh Environment Applications,” IEEE Sensors Conference – Open Poster, Oct. 2016.
- T. Li, “Sub-Millimeter Packages for Microsystems in Harsh Downhole Environments,” Electronics Packaging Symposium, Binghamton, NY, Oct. 2014 (Invited talk).
- C. Liang, C. Gooneratne, J. Kosel, H. Rowais, T. Li, S.R. Green, and Y. Gianchandani, “Microfabrication of magnetostrictive sensors based on NiFe thin film magnetic materials with doping of B and Mo,” The 55th Annual Conf. Magnetism & Magnetic Materials (MMM), Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2010.