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CHEST 2020 Research Project Abstracts

P5_20: Cost-effective resource allocation to portfolios of security measures for embedded devices in a large-scale system
Topic Areas:
Principal investigator: Dr. James H. Lambert, University of Virginia
Co-Principal investigator(s): Dr. Zachary Collier, University of Virginia
Co-Principal investigator(s): Mr. Thomas A. Polmateer, University of Virginia
PI Email

The risks posed by counterfeit electronics are numerous, and there exist a large number of potential risk mitigation measures which one can implement for a given system or across the enterprise. Each mitigation has associated with it a certain effectiveness in mitigating risks, but also comes at a cost. Moreover, mitigations can be implemented in combination with one another. The resulting question is that for a given level of risk reduction and a certain budget, what is the optimal investment strategy, in the form of combination of mitigations, to implement? This project seeks to answer that question through the development of a portfolio tool which aids the investment decision process. This project will develop a tool that will identify the optimal “mix” of risk reduction countermeasures given several user-defined inputs related to cost and target risk. This will provide a platform for users to investigate how to “buy down” the risk to acceptable levels. Potential testbeds for this project include multimodal logistics systems, electric vehicle chargers, autonomous mission critical systems with defense applications, and others.
