Publications (Selected, last 6 years)
1. A. Iqbal, J. Ludwick, S. Fairchild, M. Cahay, D. Gortat, M. Sparkes, W. O’ Neil, T.C. Back, and P. Zheng, “Empirical modeling and Monte Carlo simulation of secondary electron emission suppression of laser drilled micro-porous gold surfaces”, J.Vac.Science and Technology B 38, 013801 (2020).
2. A. de Assis, F. F. Dall’Agnol, and M. Cahay, “Universal tradeoff between proximity and aspect-ratio in optimizing the field enhancement factor of large area field emitters”, Applied Physics Letters 116, 203103 (2020).
3. G. Tripathi, J. Ludwick, M. Cahay, and K.L. Jensen: “Spatial Dependence of the Temperature Profile Along A Carbon Nanotube During Thermal-Field Emission”, Journal of Applied Physics 128, 025107 (2020).
4. S. Sterin, N. Basu, M. Cahay, M.N. Satyanarayan, S.S. Mal, and P.P. Das, “Redox-active vanadium-based polyoxometalate as an active element in resistive switching based nonvolatile molecular memory”, accepted in Physica Status Solidi (a) (2020).
5. K. L. Jensen, M. Cahay, M. McDonald, J.R. Harris, D.A. Shiffler, and J. J. Petillo, “Analytic Model of a Compound Thermal-Field Emitter and its Simulation”, Journal of Applied Physics 126, 245301 (2019).
6. M. Cahay, G. Purdy, and D. Morris, “On the quaternion representation of the spinor of an elecrtron”, Physica Scripta 94, 085205 (2019).
7. K. L. Jensen, M. Cahay, M. McDonald, J.R. Harris, D.A. Shiffler, and J. J. Petillo, “Analytic Model of a Compound Thermal-Field Emitter and its Simulation”, Journal of Applied Physics 126, 245301 (2019).
8. J. Ludwick, G. Tripathi, P Vempati, M. Cahay, S. Fairchild, P.T. Murray, and T. Back, “A New Fit to Secondary Electron Emission Yield in the Low Impact Voltage Regime: An Improvement of Vaughan’s expression”, AIP 8, 085017 (2018).
9. T. C. Back, S. B. Fairchild, J. Boeckl, M. Cahay, F. Derkink, G. Chen, A. K. Schmid, A. Sayir, “Work Function Characterization of the Directionally Solidified LaB6–VB2 Eutectic”, Ultramicroscopy 183, 67 (2017)
10. P. Das, A. Jones, M. Cahay, S. Kalita, N. S. Sterin, T. R. Yadunath, M. Advaitha, and S. T. Herbert, “Dependence of the 0.5x(2e2/h) conductance plateau on the aspect ratio of InAs quantum point contacts with in-plane side gates”, Journal of Applied Physics 121 (8), 083901 (2017).
11. D. Gortat, P.T. Murray, S.B. Fairchild, M. Sparkes, T.C. Back, G.J. Gruen, M.M. Cahay, and N.P. Lockwood, “ Laser Surface of Stainless Steel Anodes for Reduced Hydrogen Outgassing”, Material Letters (2017).
12. M. Cahay, W. Zhu, S. Fairchild, P.T. Murray, T.C. Back, and G. Gruen, “Multiscale Model of Heat Dissipation Mechanisms During Field Emission from Carbon Nanotube Fibers”, Applied Physics Letters 108, 033110 (2016).
13. M. Pakmehr, A. Khaetskii, B. D. McCombe, N. Bhandari, M. Cahay, O. Chiatti, S. Fischer, C. Heyn and W. Hansen, “The g-factor of quasi-2D electrons in InAs/InGaAs/InAlAs inserted-channels”, Applied Physics Letters 107, 082107 (2015).
14. S. Fairchild, T. Back, H. Koerner, J. Ferguson, J. Boeckl, K. Averett, B. Maruyama, N. Lockwood, P. T. Murray, M. Cahay, N. Behabtu, C. Young, M. Pasquali, “Morphology Dependent Field Emission of Acid-Spun Carbon Nanotube Fibers”, Nanotechnology 26, 105706 (2015).
15. M. Cahay, “Prospect for An All-Electric Spin Field Effect Transistor With Semiconductors”, News and Views, Nature Nanotechnology 10, pp.21-22 (2014).
16. M. Cahay, P.T. Murray, T.C. Back, S. Fairchild, J. Boeckl, J. Bulmer, K.K.K. Koziol, G. Gruen, M. Sparkes, F. Orozco, and W. O’Neill, “Hysteresis During Field Emission From Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesized Carbon Nanotube Fibers”, Applied Physics Letters 105, 173107 (2014).
More details about M. Cahay’s publications and research can be found on Google Scholar and Research Gate.