Recent Visitors


December 2013. Prof. Punit Boolchand, Dr. Matthieu Micoulaut, Dr. John Mauro (Corning Inc.)
December 2013. Sriram Ravindren, Dr. Matthieu Micoulaut, Dr. John Mauro (Corning Inc.), Shibalik Chakraborty (Ph.D. 2014)




Meeting with Dr. Matthieu Micoulaut, visitor from  Pierre et Marie Curie University, Jussieu




Dr. Alan Bishop visited UC on Jan 28th, 2010, and gave a Colloquium on" An overview of Theory, Simulation and Computation at Los Alamos National Laboratory: Complex systems for National Security". Standing from the left are Dr. Darl McDaniel, Dr. Alan Bishop and Dr P. Boolchand.


Picture taken July 15, 2009.
Standing from the left are Punit Boolchand, Ping Chen, Bernard Goodman, Darl McDaniel and Vignarooban Kandasamy
Seated in the front from left are Jacob Watchman, Kapila Gunasekera and Siddhesh Bhosle

Dr. Goodman, Professor of Physics (Emeritus) and Dr. McDaniel, Professor of Chemistry (Emeritus) have participated actively on projects dealing with  Physics and Chemistry of  Network Glasses for the past two decades. They have served as co-authors on publications, and  have also served as Thesis Committees members of  Ph.D. and MS students in the group





Dr. Michael Tenhover visit  Cincinnati in June 2009




Jim Phillips and Mike Thorpe visit  Cincinnati in May 2002




Jack Wells of Thomas More College visits the laboratory (April 2002).




Dr. Eva Cernoskova from the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, visited University of Cincinnati for two months starting September 1, 2003 on a NATO Fellowship.  During her stay she performed structure studies on select glasses using Raman scattering and T-modulated DSC .  




Dr. Richard Kerner from Université Pierre et Marie Curie visited Cincinnati in Dec 2004




Dr. Richard Kerner from Université Pierre et Marie Curie visited Cincinnati in Dec 2004

This site was last updated 01/14/14