Message from the General ChairOn behalf of the entire technical committee, I welcome you all to the First IEEE
International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems. It is indeed a matter of great pride to pioneer this technical forum on wireless systems. In just its first year, MASS has received over 200 quality
submissions from researchers all across the globe. We are thankful to all authors for their overwhelming response. In our endeavor to provide a forum which isn't too exclusive and yet is high on quality, we have
included 52 papers which address some of the key issues in ad hoc and sensor networks. In the years to come, we sincerely hope that MASS will become one of the prime forums for interaction and information exchange in
the area of wireless networks. For the benefit of the attendees, four half-day pre-conference tutorials have been planned: Scalable and Localized Network Layer Protocols in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
by Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic (University of Ottawa, Canada); Wireless Sensor Networks: Perspectives, Applications, and Research Directions by Prof. Mohamed Eltoweissy (Virginia Tech, USA);
MEMS enabled Microsystems: from dumb to cogent sensors-design for intelligence, Elena Gaura, Coventry University, UK; and Directional Antenna Systems for Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks by Dr. Carlos
Cordeiro, Nokia Research Center, Finland, Hrishikesh Gossain and Dharma Agrawal, University of Cincinnati, USA. Three keynote speeches are planned to be delivered by Prof. Ian Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of
Technology "Wireless Actor and Sensor Networks: Research Challenges", Dr. Sri Kumar, DARPA "Integrated Wireless Micro-Sensor Networks: Challenges and Applications" and Dr. Charles E. Perkins, Nokia,
"Convergence between Ad Hoc Network Protocols". The technical program also includes a lecture by the NSF Program Director Dr. Evans which shall highlight the NSF Networking program. In addition to the
above program, MASS 2004 expects participation from several networking professionals, and students from different corners of the world. We sincerely hope the interactions during the course of the meet will foster new
ideas amongst the attendees which shall get nurtured into significant research results in the future. Finally the exotic, unspoiled setting of Florida lends an excitement to the entire proceeding.
Organizing a meeting of this magnitude is not a trivial task and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the executive committee members, standing committee officers and the TPC members for their dedicated
efforts towards the success of this conference. I would like to express my gratitude towards the Program chairs Prof. Jie Wu of Florida Atlantic University and Prof. Mario Gerla of University of California, Los Angeles
for their laudable work. Vice-Program Chairs Prof. Prasant Mohapatra of University of California, Davis, Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic of University of Ottawa, Canada, Prof. Yu-Chee Tseng of National Chiao Tung University,
Taiwan, and Prof. Marco Conti of CNR-IIT, Italy have all provided invaluable support with the organizing of this conference. Further, I would like to thank tutorials Chair Prof. Stephan Olariu of Old Dominion
University, Publicity Chair Prof. Jean-Pierre Hubaux of EPFL, Switzerland, Prof. Kia Makki / Chi Zhou of Florida International University, Prof. Tom La Porta of Pennsylvania State University and Local Arrangements
Chair Prof. Mihaela Cardei of Florida Atlantic University, Registration Chair Prof. Hong-Yi Wu of University of Louisiana, Finance Chair Prof. Anup Kumar of University of Louisville, Publication Chair Prof.
Xiuzhen Cheng of George Washington University, IEEE TC Chairs Prof. Chita Das and Prof. Anup Kumar. My thanks are also due to the IEEE Computer Society staff for their advice and to Mr. Vivek Jain for maintaining the
MASS web site. Last but not the least, our sincere thanks goes to the National Science Foundation for providing travel support for Student authors as well as funds for holding the program committee meeting for final
paper selection. Finally, I would like to extend special thanks to our sponsors, IEEE TC on Distributed Processing and IEEE TC on Simulation and our corporate patron, Dr. Bob O'Dea from Motorola for
extending generous support. Last, but not the least, I would once again thank all attendees for making this meet a success. Please have lively discussions and enjoy your stay in Fort Lauderdale.
Dharma P. Agrawal (dpa@ececs.uc.edu)
General Chair, MASS 2004
Message from the Program Co-Chairs
As Program Co-Chairs, we are pleased to present to you the proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2004) to be
held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from October 24 to 27. The program committee consists of 65 members divided into four subcommittees headed by four Program Vice-Chairs:
Prof. Marco Conti (MAC and lower layers), Prof. Prasant Mohapatra (Network layer), Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic (Algorithms and topology), and Prof. Yu-Chee Tseng (Applications).
This message gives an overview of the technical program. This year the conference received 207 submissions from 29 countries. Each submission
was assigned to one of the conference's four Vice Chairs to obtain at least 3 reviews. The program co-chairs and vice chairs met on July 8-9 in San Francisco to review the
submissions and selected 52 papers. In addition, 26 papers were selected as posters. These papers present state-of-the-art work in emerging areas of mobile ad hoc networks
and sensor networks, including routing, multicasting/broadcasting, QoS, security/reliability, data aggregation, coding/compression, backbone, MAC, topology,
localization, and overlay/pervasive computing. The accepted papers are organized into 13 technical sessions, 1 poster session, 1 panel, and 3 keynotes to be delivered by three
distinguished speakers: Prof. Ian Akyildiz, Dr. Sri Kumar, and Dr. Charles E. Perkins. Four papers were recommended for the best paper award. The Award Committee,
consisting of Program Chairs and Vice-Chairs, did a thorough job to select the best paper by reading all papers with average ranking of 3 or better. The four best paper candidates
will be presented on the second day of the conference as a single Best Paper Candidate session. The winner will be announced at the opening of the conference.
We are grateful to the Program Vice-Chairs, TPC members, and all the reviewers. They did an excellent job in handling the review process. Thanks to Prof. Marco Conti for
organizing the panel, and to all the panelists for participating. Special thanks are given to Dr. Joseph Evans, NSF program director, who provides NSF travel support for students
and delivers a lecture highlighting the NSF NeTS program. We thank Prof. Dharma P. Agrawal, conference general chair and MASS steering
committee chair, for inviting us to co-chair this year's technical program. He worked closely with us to provide guidance to ensure the success of the conference. We admire
his deep commitment to the excellence of the conference. Last, by certainly not the least, we would like to express our thanks to all authors and
attendees. The conference will not be successful without their involvement and participation. On behalf of the conference program committee, we hope you find many
topics of interest in the technical program, and that you enjoy your stay in South Florida! Mario Gerla (
gerla@cs.ucla.edu) and Jie Wu (jie@cse.fau.edu
) Program Co-Chairs, MASS 2004 |