1. Chunsheng Fang, Anca L. Ralescu, Online Mixed Gaussian Model for Concept Modeling and Discovery, International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics, Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2009.
2. Sofia Visa, Anca Ralescu, Data-driven fuzzy sets for classification, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Volume 1, No. 1, October 2008, 3-30.
3. Anca L. Ralescu, Dan A. Ralescu, Yoko Yamakata, Inference by Aggregation of Evidence with Applications to Fuzzy Probabilities, International Journal of Information Sciences 177(2):378 - 387(2007). 4. Pando Georgiev, Anca Ralescu, Dan Ralescu, Cross-cumulants measure for the independence, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137: 1085 1098(2006).
5. Isabelle Bloch, Anca Ralescu: Directional Relative Position between Objects in Image Processing: A Comparison between Fuzzy Approaches, Pattern Recognition, 36(2003) 1563-1582.
6. A. L. Ralescu, J. G. Shanahan, Perceptual Organization for Inferring Object Boundaries, Pattern Recognition, 32.11(1999):1923-1933.
7. Anca Ralescu, Riad Hartani, Fuzzy Modeling based Approach to Facial Expression Understanding. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 1.1(1997):45-61.
8. J. Gasos, A. Ralescu, Using Imprecise Environment Information for Guiding an Image Recognition System, International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 86.5(1997):265-288.
9. A. Ralescu, D. A. Ralescu, Extensions of Aggregations, International Journal to Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 86.3(1997):321-330.
10. N. Horseman, S. Engle, A. Ralescu, The Logic of Signaling from the Cell Surface to the Nucleus. Trends Endocrinology and the Metabolism, 8(1997):123-129.
11. Jorge Gasos, Anca Ralescu, Adapting Query Representation to Improve Retrieval in a Fuzzy Database. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, 3.1(1995):57- 78.
12. A. Ralescu, Image Understanding = Verbal Description of the Image Contents, The Journal of the Japanese Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems, August 1995.
13. S. Fukushima, Anca Ralescu, Improved Retrieval from a Fuzzy Database from Adjusted User Input, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 5.3(November 1995):249-274.
14. J. Gasos, Anca Ralescu, The Direct and Inverse Problem of Matching Fuzzy Sets Depending on Fuzziness, Kybernetes, 24.1(1995):9-17.
15. K. Miyajima, A. Ralescu, Spatial Organization in 2D Segmented Images: Representation and Recognition of Primitive Spatial Relations, International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems 65(1994):225-236 .
16. H. Narazaki, A. Ralescu, Iterative Induction of a Category Membership Function, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, 2.1(March 1994):91-100.
17. K. Miyajima, A. Ralescu, M. Asada, Linguistic Description of Spatial Relations between Complex Objects, (in Japanese) Journal of the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems 6.5(October 1994): 935-943.
18. H. Narazaki, Anca Ralescu, An alternative Method for Inducing a Membership Function of a Category. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 11(1994):1-27. 4
19. H. Narazaki, Anca Ralescu, An Improved Synthesis Method for Multi-layered Neural Networks using Qualitative Knowledge, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 1.2(May 1993):125-137.
20. Hiroshi Narazaki, Anca Ralescu, A Connectionist Architecture for Rule-base Inference using an Improved Relaxation Method, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 3.5(September 1992): 741-751.
21. Anca Ralescu, Dan Ralescu, Probability and Fuzziness. Information Science 34(1984):85-92.
22. Anca Ralescu, Takeshi Ishino, and Michihiko Minoh, Fuzzy Sets in Concept Representation using Conceptual Spaces, Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2007, Hong Kong, June 1-6, 2008.
23. Pando Georgiev, Anca Ralescu, Fuzzy Skeletons and Statistical Learning Theory, Proceedings of the conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainy, IPMU 2008, Malaga, Spain, June 23-27, 2008.
24. Anca Ralescu, Stefana Popovici, Dan Ralescu, On Evaluating the Proximity between Heterogeneous Data, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Midwestern Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, MAICS-2008, Cincinnati, Oh, USA, April 12-13, 2008.
25. Anca Ralescu, Michihiko Minoh, Measuring Proximity between Heterogeneous Data, Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2007, Imperial College, London, UK, July 23-26, 2007.
26. Mircea Ionescu, Anca Ralescu, Sofia Visa, Fuzzy Similarity Measure between Heterogeneous Data, Proceedings of NAFIPS 2007, San Diego, California, June 24-27, 2007.
27. James Logan Mayfield, A. Ralescu, Computation with Two Dimensions of Uncertainty - Fuzzy Computers, Proceedings of NAFIPS 2007, San Diego, California, June 24-27, 2007.
28. Anca Ralescu, Sofia Visa, Obtaining Fuzzy Sets from Data using the Mass Assignment Theory - Consistency with Interpolation, Proceedings of NAFIPS 2007, San Diego, California, June 24-27, 2007.
29. Sofia Visa, Anca Ralescu, Mircea Ionescu, Investigating Learning Methods for Binary Data, Proceedings of NAFIPS 2007, San Diego, California, June 24-27, 2007.
30. Mircea Ionescu, Anca Ralescu, Multidimensional Conceptual Spaces for Summarization, Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2006, July 16-19, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, pages not yet available.
31. Mircea Ionescu, Anca Ralescu, Implementation of Concepts Space with Applications to Image Retrieval, Proceedings of IPMU-2006, July 2-7, 2006, Paris, France, pages not yet available.
32. Mircea Ionescu, Anca Ralescu, Extension of the Concept Representation in Conceptual Spaces, NAFIPS 2006, June 3-6, 2006, Montreal, Canada, pages not yet available.
33. James L. Mayfield, Anca Ralescu, Parameterized Quantum Gates and Multidimensional Uncertainty of Information, NAFIPS 2006, June 3-6, 2006, Montreal, Canada, pages not yet available.
34. James L. Mayfield, Anca Ralescu, Universal Amplitude/Phase Gates for Quantum Algorithm Design, Proceedings of the Seventeen Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, MAICS-2005, Valparaiso, Indiana, April 3-4, 2006.
35. Sofia Visa, Anca Ralescu, Bayes classifiers - a particular case of fuzzy classifiers, Proceedings of IPMU-2006, July 2-7, 2006, Paris, France, pages not yet available.
36. Sofia Visa, Anca Ralescu, On the relation between Bayes and fuzzy classifiers, Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2006, July 16-19, Vancouver, Canada.
37. Sofia Visa, Anca Ralescu, Fuzzy classifiers versus cost-based Bayesian classifiers - a preliminary study, NAFIPS 2006, June 3-6, 2006, Montreal, Canada, pages not yet available.
1. Modeling withWords (Jonathan Lawry, James G. Shanahan, Anca Ralescu, eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag (October 2003).
2. Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence (Anca Ralescu, James G. Shanahan, eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 1566, Springer Verlag, 1999.
3. Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence (T. P. Martin, Anca Ralescu, eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. LNAI 1188, Springer Verlag, 1996.
4. Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence (Anca Ralescu, editor), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. LNAI 847, Springer Verlag, 1994.
5. Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence (D. Driankov, P. Eklund, Anca Ralescu eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 833, Springer Verlag 1993.
6. Applied Research in Fuzzy Technology - Three years of research at the Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering (Anca Ralescu, ed.), Yokohama, Japan - Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
7. Advances in Visual Information management Systems, Special Issue of the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, (Anca Ralescu, Ramesh Jain, eds.), vol. 3, no. 3/4, July 1994.
8. Special Issue of the International Journal for Fuzzy Sets and Systems on Digital Signal Processing, (Anca Ralescu, J. G. Shanahan eds.), January 1996.
1. Living in a GlobalWorld, Institute for Language and Culture, Konan University, Kobe, Japan, July 13, 2007.
2. Fuzzy Classifiers versus Bayes Classifiers; System Identification for Estimation of the Remaining Lifetime of a Diesel Engine, Omron Research Center, Kyoto, Japan, July 9, 2007.
3. Fuzzy Classifiers versus Bayes Classifiers, Graduate School of Engineering Kobe University, July 2, 2007.
4. Conceptual Spaces for Information Exploitation, Minoh Laboratory, Academic Center for Computing and Multimedia Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, November 2, 2006.
5. Fuzzy Classifiers, LIP 6, Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, September 11, 2005.
6. Context sensitive measures of similarity, CS Department, University of Malta, La Valleta, Malta, April 6, 2005.
7. Weighted Euclidean distance, generalized Hamming distance and applications, Department Images, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris, France, April 1, 2005.
8. Context sensitive measures of similarity, ECE Department, University of Cyprus, Nicosya, Cyprus, March 30, 2005.
9. Treatment of generalized quantifiers using fuzzy sets, Workshop on Computing with Words, Univerisy of California, Berkeley, CA, March 9-11, 2005.
10. Fuzzy Logic-based Qualitative Modeling. Presented at The Brain Science Institute (Mathematical Neuroscience Laboratory), RIKEN, Japan, on May 31, 2001.
11. Context-dependent Pattern Extraction from Micro-array Data. Presented at: 6
• The Seminar on Artificial Intelligence and
Decision Processes, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6, Universit´e Pierre et
Marie Curie, Paris, France, on September 13, 2001.
• The Brain Science Institute (Mathematical
Neuroscience Laboratory), RIKEN, Japan, on May 23, 2001.
12. On Geometric and Statistic Measures of Divergence. Presented at The Brain Science Institute (Mathematical Neuroscience Laboratory), RIKEN, Japan, on May 24, 2001.
13. Overview of the LIFE Project in Japan. Key note speech at the panel on the LIFE Project, IFAC’96, San Francisco, June 30-July 3 1996.
14. Incremental Fuzzy Modeling of Numerical Data. Presented at The International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, Granada July 1-5, 1996.
15. Towards Incremental Fuzzy Modeling using an Abductive Mechanism. Presented at EUFIT-96, Aachen, September 1996.
16. Computing with Fuzzy Quantifiers. Presented at the First International Workshop on Soft Computing and Logic programming. Bonn, September 6 1996.
17. FuzzyMethods in Image Understanding. Presented at the Institute Blaise Pascal, University Paris VI (Jussieu), Paris, France, June 115 1995.
18. Issues in Fuzzy Modeling - Application to Facial Information Processing.
Presented at: • FSL Automation, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 14 1995;
• Imperial College - Dept. of Computer Science, August 3, 1995.
• Technical University of Vienna, Christian Doppler Laboratory, August
14, 1995;
• Shell Central Research Laboratory, The Hague, September 6 1995.
19. Fuzzy Modeling of the Human Perception of Face Photographs. Presented in
December 1994 at:
• Air Force Institute of Technology, Dayton, Ohio;
• National Institutes of Standards and Technology, Bethesda Maryland;
• Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, Maryland;
• Navy Research Laboratory, Arlington, Virginia.