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  1. P. Boolchand, J.C. Mauro, J.C. Phillips, "A note on compacted networks", Physics Today, April 2013 (in pdf format)

  2. J. C. Phillips, "Windows and credit in irreversibility", Physics today, August 2007, page 14 (in pdf format).

  3. J. C. Phillips, "Randomness and Strong Disorder", Physics today, November 2007, page 10 (Link).

  4. Ping Chen, P. Boolchand, D. G. Georgeiv, "Long term aging of selenide glasses: evidence of sub-Tg endotherms and pre-Tg exotherms", J. Phys. Condens. Matter 22, 065104 (2010). (article in pdf format). For an overview see "Lab Talk" section of JCPM URL:. 

  5. Ping Chen, P. Boolchand, D. G. Georgeiv, "Long term aging of selenide glasses: evidence of sub-Tg endotherms and pre-Tg exotherms", J. Phys. Condens. Matter 22, 065104 (2010). (Correspondence with the publisher).

  6. M. Micoulaut, "Linking rigidity with enthalpic changes at the glass transition and the fragility of glass-forming liquids: insight from a simple oscillator model", J. Phys. Condens. Matter 22, 285101(1-7) (2010). (Correspondence with the publisher).





This site was last updated 09/13/14