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Books Edited

  1. "Boolchand P. , Micoulaut M. eds (2020) Topology of Disordered Networks and their Applications. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. DOI:10.3389/978-2-88963-987-8. A complimentary copy of the EBook, 188 pages with 16 Research articles is accessible at the following site: Collection or download a PDF.

  2. "Self-organization in non-crystalline materials", Vol. 5 in Series : Optoelectronics Materials and Devices, edited by P. Boolchand and M. Popescu (INOE, Bucharest, Romania, 2007).

  3. Insulating and Semiconductors Glasses, editor  P.Boolchand, World Scientific Press, 877 pages, 2000, vol. 17 of Directions in the Condensed Matter Physics.

  4. Nuclear Zeeman Effect and Recent Advances in Applications of Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Vol. 72, 1992, Hyperfine Interactions J.C. Baltzer, A.G. Publishing Co., Basel, Switzerland, edited by P. Boolchand.

  5. "Progress in Mossbauer spectroscopy of high temperature superconductors" in Nuclear Zeeman Effect and Recent Advances of Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Vol. 72, 1992, Hyperfine Interactions J.C. Baltzer, A.G. Publishing Co., Basel, Switzerland, edited by P. Boolchand.

Book Chapters Published

  1. P. Boolchand, Ping Chen, Deassy I. Novita and B. Goodman, "New perspectives on intermediate phases" in Rigidity transitions and Boolchand Intermediate Phases in nanomaterials, edited by M. Micoulaut and M. Popescu (INOE, Bucharest, Romania, 2009), p. 1-36. (book preview) (pdf)

  2. M. Malki, M. Micoulaut, Deassy I. Novita, B. Goodman and P. Boolchand, "Rigidity and flexibility of glassy networks and fast-ion conduction" in Rigidity transitions and Boolchand Intermediate Phases in nanomaterials, edited by M. Micoulaut and M. Popescu (INOE, Bucharest, Romania, 2009), p. 37-64. (book preview) (pdf)

  3. P. Boolchand, M. Micoulaut and Ping Chen, "Nature of Glasses" in Phase Change Materials: Science and Applications, edited by S. Raoux and M. Wuttig (Springer, Heidelberg, 2008), p. 37-60. (pdf)

  4. Fei Wang and P.Boolchand, "Photostructural transformations and global connectedness of network glasses", in "Non-Crystalline Materials for Optoelectronics" , Edited by G. Lucovsky and M. Popescu, INOE, Romania, 2004 , p. 15-41 (chapter in pdf format, colored chapter in pdf format with book cover and table of contents).

  5. Tao Qu, D,G,Georgiev, P.Boolchand, M.Micoulaut. The intermediate phase in ternary GexAsxSe1-2x glasses. in "Supercooled Liquids, Glass Transition and Bulk Metallic Glasses"  (eds T. Egami, A. L. Greer, A. Inoue, S. Ranganathan).  Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. vol. 754, CC8.1.1 (2003) (article in pdf format).

  6. "One-Fold Coordinated Atoms, Constraint Theory and Nanoidentation Hardness", P.Boolchand, M.Zhang and B.Goodman in Amorphous Isolators and Semiconductors, ed. M.F.Thorpe and M.I.Mitkova, p.339, Kluwer Academic Publications.

  7. "Evidence for the Intermediate Phase in Network Glasses", P.Boolchand, W.J.Bresser, D.G.Georgiev, Y.Wang and J.Wells in  Phase Transitions and Self Organization in Electronic and Molecular Networks, ed. J.C.Phillips and M.F.Thorpe, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers,  2001, p.65, Cambridge, UK.

  8. HTS Processing: Bulk, Thin-Film and Wires, G Subramanyam and P.Boolchand, in Engineering Superconductivity, Ed. Peter J.Lee, Wiley-Interscience, p. 260-280, 2001.

  9. "Onset of Rigidity in Steps in Chalcogenide Glasses - The Intermediate Phase",  P.Boolchand, D.Selvanathan, Y.Wang,  D.G.Georgiev, W.J.Bresser, in Properties and Applications of Amorphous Materials. Ed. M.F.Thorpe, Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO-ASI, held in Sec, Czech Republic, July 2001, p. 97-132.

  10. "Bulk Superconductor Processing of High-Tc, Bulk, Thin-Film and Wires", G Subramanyam and P.Boolchand, in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Supplement I Ed.John G.Webster, p. 665-684, 2000.

  11. "MOSSBAUER SPECTROSCOPY--A REWARDING PROBE OF MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SEMICONDUCTING GLASSES", P. Boolchand in Physical Properties of Amorphous Materials (Institute for Amorphous Studies Series), Springer US,  Eds.: David Adler, Brian B. Schwartz, Martin C. Steele. [pdf]


This site was last updated 01/14/15